Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Caught on camera

Pigeons are endlessly adaptable creatures and no matter what you do to deter them they will usually find a way. This one not only managed to avoid the surveillance cameras by sitting on them, he also managed to avoid the spikes on either side.

The world is enormously fascinating to me at the moment, not in any big way but in its mundane  detail. I passed two men sleeping in the front of a van today and they would’ve made a great photograph, somehow symbolic of the world we live in where people have to snatch sleep at the wheel in order to get through the day. And I saw a bizarrely dressed woman in a long metallic bronze skirt with a gold blouse. This on my morning commute. She would not have looked out of place in a low-budget 1970s science-fiction TV movie.

Coming home I helped a man on the train who was emaciated and on crutches and had the slurred speech of a stroke victim. We made eye contact as I assisted him to get his arms into his crutches and manoeuvred himself down on to the platform. There was a moment of pathos where I felt helpless and his weary sadness was almost tangible amongst the crowds heading home: "you’re a part of everything you see ... The feeble, the ghastly / Upon whom death had placed a very sure hand..." Fortunately some station staff were happy to assist him, I think he may have been known to them. 

There is a lot going on at work at the moment and some people are really feeling the pressure. Today was pretty good for me and I even had a couple of very productive meetings but my to do list is getting longer again. Although not as long as TSM’s who had another full on day.

We went to Soya for dinner with the Dizzle and mystic Em and ate too much but it was rather lovely. Strider is away in York getting drunk with vikings or something; hope he has a great time, he’s been looking forward to it.

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