
By DrSandy

Abducted by aliens

I went farming today - the day was pretty uneventful, for ME.

But, clearly it wasn't for someone else.

When I did the great trek, to fetch Kaydee from the bottom of the farm, I walked past this sight..............

Clearly the occupant of those shoes, had been abducted by aliens !

So I was on my guard - looking for snakes and aliens. It is a dangerous world.

What I am currently "worried" about - is the car !

We've had numerous incidents, which "we" have survived, but the car, needs someone who will take care of her.  This has not happened since Johnnie passed.  I am "interviewing" Paul, a backyard mechanic in Springs, tomorrow.  So, at the T junction, I turned right, not left.

Home James - don't spare the horses !

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