On the sofa discussing bullying

My cough is so bad that I'm using sign language to communicate because when I talk I can't stop coughing.....

Gulli is much better and is really irritating me and Zebedee which is a pretty good sign that he will prob be able to go back to school tomorrow.

Zebedee has been upset by something his friend found on the Internet while searching his name for fun by someone on Twitter who highlights what he/she considers to be daft names every day.
I quote 'Zebedee and Gulliver Ellis, unfortunate children/show ponies of media bollockheads. Zebedee was once attacked by a Pelican in Cornwall'

Which is true but that's another story...

Anyway being a media bollockhead I'm used to unkind remarks about my music and my appearance etc which I ignore, it's par for the course... However as Zebedee was upset I tweeted the user concerned..

'Did you set up this site because you have a daft name? Or do you prefer to remain anonymous while you pick on people's kids?'

As yet no reply.... Oh well when I can talk again I'll have a chat with Zebedee about it but for now my tweet has cheered him up.

This is the thing unfeeling people don't understand about the Internet, celebrities and their children and all Facebook users etc etc are actually real people and what you put up there is often permanent and people can be really hurt by it. I really don't care for myself but I am a grown up with a loving family and enough self esteem to see cyber bitching for what it is.... Different for a young boy however...

One of the most horrible things that was written about me was by someone with a fake profile hiding his real identity much like this person.....

Anyway that's life!

edit, I tweeted the person publicly as they had no direct message asking to have it removed and they have done so and apologised but sadly it is still cached on google, this is what people don't get, once it's up there, it's up there... anyway I will contact google tomorrow...

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