
By AnnieBelle

Half ton follies

Following on from yesterday's blip, here we are at Smiths Lake, the merry band of former hydrobiology students, and the partners we've gathered along the way, who came here for a five day excursion 50 years ago, and kthat's what we're celebrating. Today we walked over to the field station and some of it is as I remembered it. Today there were some frog specialists waiting for the dark so they could walk through the swamp in the hope of finding a rare species.

Now, back to the blip. I didn't tell anyone about me and blipping, much less that today is Silly Saturday, but spontaneously they are being incredibly silly. We've got pulling faces, rabbit ears, the works. That's me centre front, having raced around to make the 10 second timer.

Anyway, having a fabulous time. I so love my friendships, especially the ones that go back a long time. There's a history.

Thanks for hosting, Admirer.

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