
By SpotsOfTime

The Queen’s Head

I picked my friend up from the station this morning. He and his wife had come up from London to Durham for a course that she was doing this weekend so he came over and we had planned to walk. The rain was well set in so we got as far as my fireside and I’d made some leek and potato soup to fortify us before venturing out. Once fortified we stepped out the front door and managed about three steps before thinking, ‘nah’! We hastily retreated for tea and scones before making our way back to the station. It soon became clear that the trains from the south weren’t getting through Shap so we headed up to Carlisle and the train to Newcastle from there was okay. It was a bit dodge heading back home though.
Eventually things settled down a little and I went for a walk round the village to see what the roads were like.

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