
I take back what I said yesterday about the storm; the wind got up overnight and with it came more rain. LH and I were admiring a particular cone- heavy conifer only a couple of days ago but now quite a bit of it has landed on the path; I suppose it was more susceptible to being battered about. Berry was in pine cone heaven!! Our walk extended a bit longer than usual and I finally found the route onto the adjacent hill; it's only taken me nearly 4 years!

The elements have calmed down a bit now but looking ahead I see there's more of the same next week. If my weather app is to be believed (I'm doubting it after it's poor performance yesterday) then our forward plans may well have to flex a little ...

Berry is flaked and I have a stack of ironing to do, but going to enjoy the puppy downtime and do a bit more sewing - get back into the groove :-)

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