
By flying

Reading..... hot to be doing anything outside, 33C! 

I used to be an avid reader as a child and through my teenage years, then it slowly dropped off, just down to one book per year during my young adult years. As our girls were growing up there were endless trips to the library to get books for them, I'd help in the school library and yes we had a pile of books here at home to. Reading was always important but I found it hard to find time for myself.....until now. 

I've started to read The Seven Sisters series by Lucinda Riley. A series of 6 books each so very different from one to the other and it's not necessary to read them in order which is great. I  must admit I've found it hard to put the books down. 

I started with the paperback version, such a huge thick book, how I loved the illustration and colours on the cover, the feel of a book in my hands, I got sooo excited when hubby gave me one of the books for my birthday. 

But.....then he came home with a Kindle, well this was also exciting. It's so thin, just fits in my small handbag perfect for taking to appointments, easy to use and I can sit and eat my lunch without the worry of losing my place.

So what do I prefer, I'm really sitting on the fence for this one. I miss the lovely coloured covers, the feel of a book in my hand, easy on my eyes to read but like the simplicity of the Kindle, easy for travel and there's no worry about storing a book.

I think there is room in my life for both......wonder what you prefer?

It's so good to be a book lover again :)

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