Fluffing it up

Monday 17th February 2020

I feel like a kid on Christmas Eve looking forward to Santa bringing a present tomorrow. My new three piece suite is being delivered tomorrow morning. The downside is that deliveries start at 7am so I have to be up early just in case. They said they would text on the day to reduce it to a two hour time slot but that means I have to assume it may be 7am and wake up in order to receive the text that may say I needn't get up quite so early! 

This evening I managed to get three helpful men to come and move the existing suite to the garage for temporary storage ready for our church shop. I vacuumed where the cleaner hasn't been for a while, then I went out to an evening service. 

When I got home I found the little people were concerned at the deep imprint the sofa feet had left on the carpet and three more helpful men were trying to make it fluff up again. I explained it wouldn't matter as it would be hidden under the new one but they were quite insistent they wanted to try.   

I'm going to bed early so that the morning comes quicker! Besides, I've nowhere to sit in the lounge! 

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