
By TBay


A busy day today with lots of office work for Mr Tbay and for me preparation for a meal this evening and for food for the Funeral. Sue who works for us is currently well and truly incapacitated with not only a severe knee problem but she has now put her back out! As a result she was unable to do much in the way of work today!

This evening a wonderful old friend of both Mr R and Mr Tbay came for supper to try to finalise the Eulogy Mr Tbay and he will be delivering for Mr R’s Thanksgiving Service. Miss Tbay also joined us and later the Tbay Jnr too, including Harry who due to a ‘danger nap’ at 5ish was full of the joys of spring! This is him doing his very best to inoculate grandpa with the corkscrew! Such a fun game!

Little Miss has had a sleep over with other Granny and Granddad. No doubt she will have had lots of fun there!

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