Beard Acquiring Trimmage Holding-Device

I suspect I may get asked to remove this but I've been thinking of blipping something like this for a few weeks. It's highly processed so as to make the most and in an attempt to get rid of that awful watermark blob on the lens hey ho....check equipment before use!

This blip shows a Beard Acquiring Trimmage Holding-device or BATH. In my house it can be found in this highly desirable state on a Monday when I get home from work and decide I need a relaxing soak....

Kirstie and Phil would love this or am I thinking of a different programme featuring feather trimmed washing up gloves and plenty of bicarbonate of soda??

Glad to report a couple of ice and snow free road journeys today- it's the simple things that make me beam :-D

I've spent some of the evening trying to make a video with some footage from the weekend of a run in the middle of nowhere in the snow. I found the perfect track but can't get it on the video soundtrack just will turn into a weekend job. Here is tune I tried to use not my usual style but I like what they've done to this classic track well the first 2 or so minutes which I need :-D

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