Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Today's been a long, but fun, day. 
Crazy at work... We had a new coworker starting work today and somehow I ended up showing her the break room, and afterwards when I went to sit down and have my cup of tea she was with me talking. At one point I had to tell her that I'll see you later, when I wanted to talk to another coworker, and she was about to follow me.  
My chore for today was to replant small chili plants into separate pots. I like this kind of chores... Just taking care of the little ones. 
I also had long chatts with my boss. One was about plants and she gave me some advice about a plant I bought for Christmas, which hasn't made it. 
But the last half hour I think was the busiest... There was a customer asking if we  did work in private gardens. He was, of course, told that we don't, but I had a suggestion for him and he will return on Thursday or Friday.Then another coworker came in and wanted to talk with me, while I was running around finishing up everything, cleaning my table and so on... 
My friend came to pick me up and we went to pick her youngest daughter up and driving her to another location, before we went to a second hand shop to leave stuff, buy stuff and have a free tea and cinnamon bun (warm, newly baked and so lovely). I found two books I'm using in my junk journaling and the best was that I found a special tin for baking, with a removable side. 
Then we went to IKEA to buy a cabinet for me, and lamps for her work place. I saw the same baking tin for over the double price. That made me happy! :D 
When I came home I was so tired, but after some lunch, tea and a rest, I started with the cabinet. It was a bit difficult to screw the screws in tight... I now have aces in my hands, but I have a cabinet in place! Even if it didn't became just as I imagine it, I'm pleased with the extra storage space! I need to find other boxes than two of the ones I have, because they are to wide for the shelves inside the cabinet. I'm going to paint the cabinet later this spring, when I can open the windows and have good ventilation indoors.

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