horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Everyone's a Critic

Harris continues to be an amazing juxtaposition of a zoomy nightmare, and a cute little snuggly fuzzball. Cuteness wins of course (I mean, just check out the extra). More progress with Isla sleeping back in the spare room - it was always her favourite till Harris arrived, and it was really the only room we could keep him in, quarantined, for two weeks.

That put Isla off, but three and a bit weeks after Harris first ventured out properly, she's back on the spare room bed, and while she growled at Harris when he jumped up, she didn't leave. Carrying on feeding them next to each other as well. Mainly out of necessity as Isla has (another good sign) started appearing first thing in the morning again when the food pouch is opened - the last few weeks she's stayed in the living room and I've had to take her food to her. 

Of course that does mean she inevitably jumps from her food to stealing from Harris, but he slinks round, usually, and just steals her food right back. 

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