
By Veronica


S got the bus to Maro and walked to Frigiliana this morning, a mere 15 km. I arranged to meet him in Frigiliana for lunch in a restaurant that features in Andaluz, my new cookbook: The Garden. I was a bit late and laboured up what seemed like hundreds of steps from where I parked to the restaurant, perched above the village with what would have been an amazing view had it not been completely overcast.  S was sitting there cool as a cucumber with a beer while I staggered up looking as if it had been me who'd done the 15 km.

It was a good meal, very much Arab-influenced food with lots of subtle spices. S's grilled prawns with orange, ginger, and garlic were particularly good. We'll go back on a sunnier day when we can appreciate the view better. A stroll back to the car through Frigiliana's gentrified streets provided a splash of colour, but I thought this photo was more representative.

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