Psalmist with a camera

By jellyfox

Phenomonal Phogg

Dubai woke this morning to a rare but beautiful shroud of low flying cloud...commonly know as Fog around here!

It came rolling in from the sea on a cool breeze and looked as though it was set in for the day but Feebie (our resident sunshine) had other ideas and soon broke through, howbeit faintly at first, just to show who was really boss in these here parts!!

This is the view from our balcony and it appeared a bit like 'shiver me timbers' weather. Very misleading! I stepped out in my jim jams to capture it!!!

Spot the dog on the left? He's having an early morning walk!! Don't think his name is really Spot though!

The white 'bits' around the bench are all that remain of the snowmen from last night's blanket of snow that covered the area......Not really....that's wishful thinking...but they do have a tale to tell.

They are your commonal polystyrene cups that are used to serve delicious masala tea which is consummed with a passion throughout the day. The cups are then just thrown on the ground for the cleaner/sweeper to pick order to keep him in a job!!..even though there is a bin not 10 metres from the bench!

Yesterday I watched with interest as the sweeper, busily engaged in clearing up the mess from the night before, approached one of the tables where a group of men were deep in discussion, drinking the aforementioned tea. He obviously knew them and stopped at the table end to join in the discussion while the men finished their cuppa and threw them on the ground...for him to utilise his brush and pan to scoop them as soon as they'd landed!!

Strange phenomena!

A few years ago, whilst on a visit to India I encountered the same scenario and was informed by my host it was normal. To use a bin meant someone would be out of work and not then able to feed their family.

There were clearly more 'thrower downers' than 'picker uppers' on the streets of India.

I'm thinking?????..............(pause for loonnngggg thought!)

Have a Great Blip Day Everyone

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