Friday Foto

By drmackem

Let Us Play

The miseducation of.....(playlist)

A Muse
If I played more, I’d be more settled, happier, more creative, less homicidal and more productive – or so the research tells us.

OK I’m not often homicidal, despite my recent confession to twoccing as a jeuvenile.

Dr Stuart Brown a play researcher, started his researching whilst reviewing mass homicides in the states where a common theme in the murderous fellons was lack or prohibition of play in childhood.
Today the battery light is no longer blinking, the wind was blowing, twas showery, with rivers where roads should be, which made getting out of the door a bit of an effort.
However resplendent in full lycra – and I mean resplendent (my words I know, but I know), with also coat and gloves, hat and crash helmet on MrsM and I headed off into the Dales in search of lunch on our bicycles. We found lunch then came home as bright and cheery as can be for our chilly blow, riding through rivers (where roads used to be) and full facials courtesy of a hail shower.
Note to self – play more.
The opposite of play is not work, it is depression. Brian Sutton-Smith
A Tune
White Winter Hymnal - Fleet Foxes

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