Gitama's World

By Gitama

Moonstone ......Rain and Not Much Else....

Spent a fair bit of time at the computer today and thought I would tickle up this lovely rose called Moonstone (that I had photostacked a while back) for my blip today.

The boy asked me for a pic of mine to put on his wall ...I asked him which one he wanted...I was totally surprised when he knew exactly the one and it was that was taken around my 60th Birthday of the 3 of us and our dear little Rumi....(extra)
He used to love going up to the lookout with me to take pictures with his own little camera as he got older...many many wonderful times and fond memories up there...he obviously must feel them too.

Its changed a lot up there now ...there is a wooden walkway up to the trig now and When P was over we went to have a look at the old haunts....the boy cried at the changes...he didn't like them...its not so wild now.....they've tamed it......we loved the roots of the trees poking out of the ground....and the fact that not many folk knew about it....made it a bit like 'our' place.

He is such a sentimental bunny.

I am trying to find the time to thank you all so much for the most wonderful comments on my 2500th bliperooni...I am going to try my best but just in case I space it out I just want to let you know that  I feel such a lot of appreciation for your lovely words and showerings.
love G

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