Feeling better

By Suziep71

Pamper day

Woo hoo. It was my day off today which meant it was my turn to be pampered.

I chilled in bed till mmmmmm 10ish then I had breaky in bed which was lurvely.

I had already decided that I was going for a walk on our local park in the snow so I could take my camera and take done wintery shots.

I got there, parked the car and went to get a ticket where I found that some kind person had left a prepaid ticket stuck to the machine. Then off I went. I has to set a timer on my phone because I had an appointment to be pampered at 2pm and I knew that I would get carried away and lose track of time.

It was lovely wandering around taking pictures. The only problem that happened was apart from not having long enough. I misjudged where I was and ended up in the wrong carpark just after my timer went off. So I had to walk all the way back and hope that I found my car.

Next pamper time. I had an Indian head massage which included my back then it was reflexology time. I'm so chilled out now. My friend Anne who owns Rococo beauty is lovely and we have such a laugh. She concentrates so hard as you can see by the blip.

I've put her picture on FB which she's already seen and isn't impressed ha ha ha.

So thank you Anne for being a good friend and for my lovely pampering.

Good thing that happened today -

All the above. I've had a lovely day.

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