Old Roses and Random Observations

There were a lot of roses for a small vase which I put inside the larger one because it doesn't hold water. I refilled it once, but that wasn't enough. They look a bit pathetic on the hall table, but they have a certain dignity which I decided to try to preserve....think ruffled skirts rather than drooping heads.

It reached  80ºF today. I wish I could send some of our weather along to everybody who is suffering from the ministrations of Ciara and Dennis (who thinks up there names...and why?) It has been delightful but we could use some rain. We haven't had a drop in February...most unusual.

The Boy Scouts of America have declared bankruptcy in order to avoid paying pay for all the lawsuits being brought against them for pedophilia. It's not a funny subject, nor is Trump, but in a cartoon in the paper this morning*, Trump's revision of the Boy Scout oath was succinct enough to bring a brief smile to my face:
              ON MY HONOR
              I WILL DO MY BEST
              TO SERVE MYSELF 
              AND SCREW THE REST
It's far too close to the truth to be able to smile for long.

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