Across the barriers (Day 1756)

I have zoomed around all over the place today.
First off I was along to a bathroom a fitted a few weeks ago because the customer was ready for me to add a splashback behind the basin. Typically as soon as I started to get set up outside to cut down an offcut of wetwall, it started to rain, then snow, then hail. I carried on regardless and got it cut and stuck on the wall. I spent a while caulking the edges where it met the wall and siliconing where it met the basin and worktop. The customer was really pleased with the finish and is keen to get it painted and finished off.
I was home for a quick and slightly early lunch, then off to Burray to deal with an airlocked hot water system. I stopped on the way back to take a quick snap of the view  - perfect timing as my phone started to ring, calling me out to a job in Quoyloo.
The job was to change a fill valve in a WC, but there were another three "while you are here" jobs. It was snowing fairly heavily as I left to head home. Apparently  my beautiful wife is bringing pancakes home.

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