The second half of life..

By twigs

Inspired Rainie's wonderful PV images, I set out this afternoon to do a simple PV myself.  I've done them before and really love the technique.  Some members at camera club had asked how they were done and I'd said I'd run a session one club-night to show people.  I was reminded yesterday that that date is just over a month away!!  Yikes!  So this afternoon I set about putting together a practical hands-on session beginning with and introduction to the technique and followed by some how-to pointers.  Of course, the best how-to's are (in my opinion) visual and then do.  Sooooo.......I've created this image to use as a recipe and to 'unpick' on club night.  I've actually rather enjoyed putting together the whole presentation, though it's by no means finished yet.  

So, thanks Rainie for the visual reminder that I'd said I'd do this :)

And after 2 days of tootying around I finally managed to get my selected images ready and entered for the National Exhibition.  I'm not overly hopeful of many being accepted but I'd like to think I'd get at least a  couple in.  Out of my hands now though.  Move on.

Firewood due to be delivered tomorrow which I've decided will therefore be a physical day of wood stacking.  Grrrr.......not a job I enjoy but it has to be done.

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