Look what I've done

This is a photo of me sitting next to Ann's leg. Ann's leg has a really sore big scratch on it. I did that!  Ann was VERY angry with me. I didn't mean to hurt Ann but I just couldn't help myself.

This is what happened...............................

I went to the park and spotted a scruffy grey dog playing with a ball so I stole it. I ran around with it for ages and wouldn't give it back. Eventually scruffy grey dogs owner said I could keep it as a present. Unfortunately Ann had forgotten to take my squeaky ball because normally if I steal a ball and won't give it back at least she has another one that she can give to the owner.

The ball that I stole was quite posh. Ie, it wasn't a manky old tennis ball. And as scruffy grey dog walked off we met an old man with an old collie who was also playing with a ball. He said, 'Has your dog stolen that ball? Those balls are expensive'. Why is it always men that act so superior? Ann just smiled sweetly at him and said, 'Please may I borrow your thrower.' Whenever Ann plays ball with me she uses a thrower. When she hasn't got a thrower I know not to give her the ball because I know she's not going to throw it. Ann's very clever cunning plan worked. As soon as I saw she had a thrower I dropped the ball so that Ann would throw it for me again.

…..............She tricked me! She picked up the ball, gave the thrower back to the old man and then said, 'Trixie, we need to catch up with scruffy grey dog to give him his ball back.'

….........And then it all went downhill. I was really angry because I'd been tricked. I kept jumping up at Ann because I wanted the ball. And I was muddy. And I would not give up. I wanted the ball and Ann was ignoring me because that's what one is supposed to do when naughty dogs jump up but the more she ignored me, the more I jumped up. And Ann was getting really angry. She said, 'Trixie you're hurting me.' I was trying to chew Ann's hands and I was trying to get into her pocket and I was generally just being a very spoilt badly behaved pooch. And after 5 mins of this Ann's trousers and anorak were covered in mud and that just made her even more angry.

And by this time scruffy grey dog was at the other side of the burn so Ann threw the ball over to him, put me on my lead and we had to walk all the way home with Ann looking like she'd just been in a muddy rugby scum. She was not happy!

She was even less happy when she took off her trousers and realised there was blood dripping down her leg. And this isn't even the biggest scratch. There's a worse one higher up but we didn't want to put an indecent image on BLIP.

Oh and for the rest of the day it's rained and Ann has been out working so my afternoon walk was only a trek around the streets on my lead. Booohooo.

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