
An outing to the Berlinische Gallerie, where we saw a number of exhibitions. This is a detail from one of the sculptural installations of Bettina Pousttchi, created using twisted bike racks and other street furniture. We also saw a major exhibition of photography by Umbo and some interesting photographs by Beate Gütschow. We agreed when we left that we found it better than last week's trip to C/O. The whole Gallery is a stunning space, and there was quite a lot more to see that we couldn't manage in a single visit. As the 'Land' (i.e. state) level modern art gallery, it doesn't seem to take itself quite as seriously as the national galleries do. But it seems to have a good underlying collection of modernist work produced in Berlin, or by Berlin-based artists.

After that, we walked to the other end of Kreuzberg, well, just into Neukölln to be precise to Café Myxa (a sort of Greek/Italian mix), which commended itself to us because of a reply to a review on tripadvisor. Someone from Hungary complained about a homeless person coming into the café and using the toilet. The management replied saying, yes, this homeless person is known to us, she comes in with our permission and uses the toilet and we give her food. It's called kindness and compassion. You should try it some time ... Ouch. Anyway, no sign of the homeless person, but lovely food and service, and an adorable dog at the next table. We enjoyed it very much.

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