Salvage from the Wreckage

By NickMogToo

Freda People

Breakfast followed by a Father and Daughter run along the canal.
Today would have been the Paris half marathon which had been Corona-cancelled. But lots of people had obviously decide to run it anyway!

Back to early lunch of doggy bag from yesterday’s charcuterie and cheese plate.

Then we set off in the rain to the Pompidou Centre. First Sunday of the month means free entry and long queues. We had bought billets to two exhibitions which bypassed a lot of the queuing but still a lot of standing in the rain. The first exhibition was Neurons - inspired by the brain and AI. The second (Jeremy Shaw: Phase Shifting Index) consisted of seven screens showing “found” footage from the early 22nd Century. Each screen showed a separate group of people moving in different ways. Some Mathematical Monks stomping out devotions, an Alchemical Sect’s rituals, a group engaged in a 70s style rebirthing exercise etc. It was all quite hypnotic but built to a climax as all seven groups gradually merged to the same dance. It was really good!

See extras - when i can work out how to add them...

After that it was a nearby cafe for delicious but expensive dessert and hot chocolate.

Back home to feed the cat and then to le Bastringe on the canal for Steak an Tuna - one each and change ends at half time.

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