
Following on from my ambition to be an Influencer and to have people queuing up to push used tenners through the letter-box morning, noon and night, I've opened another bank account. I've also opened it because they don't charge for non-sterling transactions or for cash withdrawals in Abroad. I'm hoping to be in Abroad later this year and it's easier to use a card than to carry wads of Abroad cash. I really like the simplistic design of the credit card and, I'm sure you've spotted, it doesn't carry the information we would normally expect on the front of such a card. Boring stuff like the card number and account number are actually on the same side as the signature strip and they are not embossed because that is a hangover from a card-swipe machine; a technology that we've not used for some considerable period.

I've put a shopping bag behind the door to catch the cash and it'll go into my new account so that I can buy a hax'n and a Helles when I'm next south and east of Dover.

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