Snow pals

Yoga this morning was really good and I felt really stretched and energised after all the strenuous exercise of the last two days walking through thick snow. My road is still not brilliant having simply been given a cursory lick and polish this morning for the first time but with still no sign of grit. However I had made inroads into clearing a path for the car and decided that I would venture out. This meant that I could spend longer in the woods and imagine my delight when I got up there only to discover the same magical beauty as I had enjoyed yesterday. It still took my breath away! And the snow was even deeper!. Furthermore, the wind that had sent the blizzard in yesterday had abated and left the snow stuck on branches and even small twigs high into the canopy and down the full height of the tree trunks. Again I didn't know where to look - I was in total awe of nature.

Although I had vowed to keep Bruce on a lead on the next walk to help prevent him getting into deep snow and becoming a mini snowball himself, he also needed to expend some energy so he had free rein initially. After half an hour had elapsed, however, he had disappeared completely and wasn't responding to being called in. Eventually Cara returned - enjoyed her reward biscuit - and then when I asked where Bruce was, she promptly turned round and returned from whence she had just come - so I set off after her finding it easy to follow her footprints in the snow when she left the main snow trodden path. Once more I found myself knee deep in snow and tumbling frequently into hidden hollows or tripping up on submerged branches. Diligently following the prints I eventually caught up with Cara, and then I saw Bruce, lurking beneath lots of fallen branches which seemed to be protecting the entrance to a rabbit's burrow. To be fair from the smell of his breath I think he had found a fresh carcass, probably a rabbit who hadn't made it home, and so maybe could be excused for not responding to my calling. Nonetheless I was very cross with him, but Cara was so sweet and stood beside him as if to say, "It's OK, I understand and I will stand by you!". From then on Bruce was on the lead. In fact I confess I initially leashed them both up so they could pull me back up the hill as the snow was so deep and I was struggling.

Although the sky was still grey there was a brief and wonderful 15 minutes where the sun did try to make its presence felt and what a difference it made to the scenery about me as you can see here and here. I then harboured excited thoughts that there might be a sunset after all - but it was not to be as the cloud descended just before the witching time. There is always tomorrow!

Thank you so much for your comments, stars and hearts for yesterday's rendition of Narnia. I appreciate them all very much.

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