Mallards Lake floods

We debated whether to go to the gym this morning. Doreen pondered over whether she should go to her Age UK daycare. In the end, we both went. We were reassured by staff at the Centre that they were keeping a close watch on developments and would let people know when they thought the risk was too great.

This afternoon I went on a grand tour of Bearsted on my bike. To the computer repair shop, Roundwell to see the floods, Woodland Trust, ditto, doctors to collect a prescription, chemists, back to the doctors as an item was missing, down to Mallards Lake, back up to the Co-op and finally to the chemist to collect the prescription and then home.

The iMac, which is over 10 years old is not worth repairing. The chappie said to put the £200 towards a new machine. The Roundwell floods had gone down. As had the water in the Woodland Trust. Mallards Lake came up trumps as there was still a considerable amount of water in the road and over the floodplain and flowing down the River Len. Motorists were ignoring the Road Closed sign and were ploughing through. (See extra)

Tonight we're out at Bob and Sue's for dinner. Looking forward to that. A spiced fruit loaf is in the breadmaker to take with us along with some other stuff. We're also taking the salad to go with the main course.

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