Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

All gone

Yesterday, when we were at the Sol Sky Bar, we noticed that the dhows and cargo in the Dhow Wharfage area had disappeared. It looked so strange as if Dubai's soul had been taken away! Dubai has always been known as a trading place and the dhows on the Creek are still a big part of re-export that we're known for in the region.

Today, after a good service and lunch with Peter and Rachel, we decided to find out what's happened. The empty docks and lack of cargo on the quayside looked too sad for words. Even the seagulls (extra) think it's strange; they've lost their method of transport to foreign lands. We managed to find two people who told us what ha happened. The quays have been closed due to Iran's reported cases of Coronavirus. Things might not be back to normal for a couple of months. That is so sad.

This COVID-19 virus is affecting so many things. The first Friday of the month is when we have communion. We've always had individual cups but today, there was definitely extra precaution when administering the elements. The Deacons held the plates and everyone had to go up to them.

We've had a lazy evening since getting home. Just as weekends should be I guess. :)

PS. I need to credit both the pictures today to G.

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