A Saturday at home

I'm at home all day, with the boys.

Annemarie is off to Groningen with a friend and will be back for a dinner I'm supposed to prepare.
I'm planning on making my -secret-recipe-pear-gorgonzola-pizza.

I started with coffee and then I washed the windows of the house on the outside. The recent storms have made it a bit difficult to look outside.
After that was finished I was still in a cleaning mode so I washed my car also. The old fashioned way. With a sponge, car shampoo and my garden hose. Quite a difference when I finished. Feels good.

Then lunch with boys was next and right after that Daan and I baked an apple pie that turned out really well. Can't taste it yet however. We'll do that tomorrow when my parents are coming over for a visit.

At 15.00 hours I was at the hairdresser getting my hair cut. That was about time as well. Feels nice and fresh now.

Also around 15.00 messages from Ron and Herman came in about a sunset shoot. Unfortunately I can't join (preparing dinner....) but it looks like we're going tomorrow morning as well. All I have to do now is find a location...the weather isn't looking too promising, so I don't know yet.

For now I'm going back into the kitchen to start with the pizza.
Tonight we'll be watching "Wie is de Mol". Should be fun also.

All and all a nice relaxed saturday.

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