A life of crime

Yet another manky day today! I went to the library this morning, more to get out of the house than to borrow more books, as I still haven't finished the last load. A new librarian today, or at least new to me! I tend to head towards the crime section first, as does the greatest percentage of library users, we're told, and search through my favourite authors only to find that they haven't produced any further volumes since I read the last one! Very inconsiderate! I always borrow something non-fiction just to balance out my reading!

On the way home I had a look at the surroundings of some of the businesses in one of the trading estates. A fellow community councillor sent me some pictures this morning, one of which I've borrowed here as an extra - I'm sure he won't mind. Oban Spring Clean weekend coming up, and all that! Pouring rain by late afternoon!

Quote of the day: 

Robert Louis Stevenson - “There are no foreign lands. It is the traveller only who is foreign.”

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