Melinda Doing Some Mooning

Allow me to play scientist for just a minute, talk about the moon, and answer this question. How far away is it?

As it turns out, not a question with a definitive answer. You see, the distance between the moon and the earth varies, as its orbit around our planet is elliptical. (Oval shaped.) At its perigee (closest) it is 225,623 miles away, and at its apogee (farthest) it is 252,088 miles away. That gives us an average distance of 238,855 miles away.

Now, back to Melinda and her mooning. How can you get a bird that is 12 feet away and a lunar lovely that is 239,000 miles away both in focus?

I can't, but Photoshop can. A focused picture of the bird, a focused picture of the moon right "next" to her, and VOILA! It's magic.

P.S. Thanks also to Google, for making me feel fairly scientific...and fairly  intelligent. ;0)

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