My Aim is True



For reasons way, way to dull to go into, I am having to carry lots of keys at the moment. The result is, that when I am trying to find the appropriate key, I pull out 4 wrong sets before I find the correct ones. I still have no idea what the wee red one is for though!

Not much report from the day job today. But later on way to my Tuesday commitment I bumped into The Estranged One. And had a pleasant catch-up too, who'd have thought!

Relaxed after tea this evening by catching up with various (can you spot the typo? The Duke of Cornwall really should employ a decent proof reader), news items. Some infuriating and others amusing.

I am taking a wee while in uploading this, as after coming up with a great idea of blipping my keys an this very slow blip day....I discovered that nh has also had the same idea.

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