Ups & Downs Today

I came across a set of fairy steps this morning. They can be a bit of an optical illusion and appear nothing like steps ……….. until you start at the bottom and look up.
Once again I tried to get the picture that I know is in the tangle of branches in one of the fallen trees. This is the closest I have got so far (maybe a brighter, smaller shaft of light will do it).
How I managed to keep the lens dry for This shot I will never know - the water was streaming off the bridge and it wasn't just the moss getting wet I can assure you - just a shame it isn't quite as crisp as I would have liked.
 SWMBO still wasn't feeling well so I took the opportunity to play about with the 'empty' garlic bulb (there are 3 other shots there as well).

After PD's lunchtime walk I forced SWMBO to drink and to get up .... and continued to get her to drink. I also made sure she had something to eat later. I think some of her lethargy was due to her body shutting down through  a lack of food and drink. It seems to have worked.

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