Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Wearing a crown

What a day!!!!

I saw so many cool birds today! I spent the morning at Sand Key County Park which is where I found this yellow-crowned night heron. He was about 10 feet off the trail I was walking along, "hiding" in the bushes. Not even sure how I spotted him. Isn't he incredible looking? And he may be the first for the BlipBigYear. :)

Also seen at Sand Key: great blue heron, little blue heron, tri-colored heron, white ibis, loggerhead shrike, brown pelicans, osprey, yellow rumped warblers, great egret, double crested cormorants and an assortment of gulls.

This afternoon I went to the Suncoast Seabird Sanctuary which is one of the largest avian rescues in the country. What an amazing place! A couple of the highlights were baby white pelicans (their rescue population is breeding) and 4 northern gannets. I contemplated blipping the gannets just because they are such rare and amazing birds, but I didn't want to blip a bird in captivity. When I get home, I will post some links though so you can have a look. Gannets are pelagic birds who live most of their lives at sea, only coming to shore to raise young in eastern Canada. Pretty amazing to see them.

No roseate spoonbills yet, but maybe tomorrow.

Today's shot is straight out of the camera. I used a monopod and shot this at 500mm. I will probably make some minor edits to the image when I am back at home with full editing abilities ---or maybe not. :)

Thank you very much for all your comments and stars on yesterday's pelicans - thanks to you, they made it to Spotlight page which I am sure would please them as much as it pleased me. And for all you blippers who live in Florida ... I am so envious of you living in a place with so many COOL birds (and warm weather!)


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