Two Perthshire Bridges

On a day of rain one minute and sunshine the next, Gill and I made our way up to Crieff in time for morning coffee, then headed through the bleak Sma' Glen* where I stopped to nip out of the car for five seconds in the rain to blip this little bridge over the River Almond.

Onwards past Amulree to the lovely Dunkeld with its impressive bridge over the fast-flowing River Tay**. After a wander in the town, visiting our favourite Atholl Gallery and Kettles hardware shop (where Gill bought a purple teapot) in sunshine, we found The Clootie Dumpling Café ideal for a soupy lunch.

Now relaxing in our excellent hotel and about to hit the bar before dinner. Thank you, K!

S'later, blipmates.

* 1st extra
** 2nd extra

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