
By Livingandloving

Kitty spotlight

Today was a busy busy day at work, and I hear that my Sugar had a bit of a tough day. Nothing to really worry about, but she was definitely ready for some mama love when we got together. It might have been the return of the rain that brought on the gloom and doom. We've had such a lovely dry spell, but it let loose today.

I did not think much about my camera today, until I got home and needed a shot. I find that I resist trying new things....and I'm in a rut, so I forced myself to grab a shot of my cat, Toby. He was in our dark laundry room doorway and the light from the diningroom was streaming in on him. He was sort of in the spotlight....which is sort of perfect, because he is a pretty important part of our family. He is our little buddy boy, and we adore him.

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