Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful


I have so many odds and ends of wool that they don't all fit in the basket, but not a huge range of colours! Tidied it all up this morning. What to do with them all? Suggestions please....

Quick blip as I need to get to work early (I don't intend to stay late~was there til 7.30pm last night and I don't get paid!).....

Apologies for not catching up with all your blips yesterday~I was exhausted when I got home from work, and just blobbed in front of the TV for a change!

Another crap night of sleeplessness...awake between 3am and 5.30am again, so I'm feeling rubbish today! Roll on Friday and my day off...

Downhill to the weekend, have a great day blippers :)

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