Old Bits and Bobs

We went out to The Shearer’s Quarters Cafe this morning, they do a great coffee and cheese scone.  Apart from our canvases they have lots of old stuff on the walls....I’ve made a simple triptych of these box shelves filled with all sorts of memorabilia, taking photos of half of each box (if you get my drift).

Further update on my Indian Photography trip.....India is not issuing any Visas for four weeks, (weirdly, the Group leaders didn’t even know) with the likelihood of that being extended if virus is still rampant.  So, I’m still waiting to be told it is postponed, I wish they’d just come out and say so, instead of leaving me (and others) in limbo.  I’m due to get my vaccinations and they’re not cheap!!!  I’m not one to pester but if not heard from them soon I will have to make contact.

Book Club tonight.


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