
By emmacooperx

There's Snow Other Way Down

I like snow in Le Puy, it's the only place I've found that I've ever enjoyed snow.

Most of my class weren't there for the first lesson because the three inches of snow had taken everyone a bit by surprise. This also meant that my next two classes were cancelled as the teachers were unable to get in. No STMG for me this week! (Secretly, not so secretly, very pleased!)

I spent the time working on my translation though, managing to get half of it done. The langauge is so specific that it seems to be taking me ages. Learnt some very interesting facts about the Rocher Saint Michel though. Kind of want to visit it again with all of this in mind.

Arranged to meet Hati and Dom for a snowy walk at 4ish. I was so surprised at how clear the roads and pavements were, whatever France has to deal with snow, England should invest it one, it might stop all the chaos that was caused earlier this week! Anyway, went to Hati and Dom's for a bit, to eat banana bread and have a general catch up then we headed out into the snow. It looked so amazing, we climbed a few hills to get a view over the town and found plenty of snow which remained untouched (just how I like it!) The reason I chose this photo and not any other, was that it showed just how untouched everything was (until we came along!) On the way home we explored Lidl and Geant Casino, and went back to theirs for garlic prawns and mushrooms. Despite my somewhat over cooking for the rice, dinner was pretty great.

Enjoyed the walk home too, listened to this on the way which had been on my head all day. When I got in I was that good kind of tired you feel when you've actually been outside and then eaten a good dinner. Very much content today.

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