Souper Thursday: Cullen Skink

And for my next trick...

No sooner had we started gathering together the empty plates after a famously Scottish bowl of Cullen Skink did Graham reveal his extra extras... Almond biscuits, half-dipped in a brandy chocolate.

... This is not just Souper Thursdays any more... It is Awesome Thursdays. (That is until it's my turn to make soup, bread AND now something sweet. Then it's pain-in-the-ass Wednesday nights)

Cullen Skink was fullsome and tasty; the Barbari Bread amazing. Then the sweet, almondy biscuits... mmm.

See, last week Leanne impressed with a third course! So, here it begins. Again. An increase in expectation. "It's all about the soup???" Not f'n chance. It's about the extras now.

Man, we love a challenge here. Almost as much as we love our soup.

Soup-er Thursdays... We decided to express ourselves through the medium of soup - one pot at a time. So, we're taking it in turns to bring in a pot. The board table (and portable camping stove) is the kitchen. Today was the second day of the third round... Ding ding.

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