Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

The early bird...

Alternative title: Battered Breakfast.  ;))

Well even after a not-very-good night's sleep this early shot made me laugh, so I'm entering it for Admirer's lovely SillySaturday challenge - thank you, Admirer.  I hope the blackbird enjoyed it - I'm sure the worm didn't!

Another day of dogs, though J and Duke went off last night, so didn't sleep here.  They'll be back again tonight.  Meanwhile, Jax is settling well and is currently off for a walk with K and Hazel.  He is also now the proud owner of a new bed, which should calm things down a bit.

Thank you all so much for allowing me time off yesterday (well, I didn't give you much choice, did I - but I'm really grateful and have now turned my comments back on! 

Enjoy the rest of your weekends, lovely peeps  xx

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