Sign written (Day 1773)

It has been a busy day.
After the morning woofer wander I zoomed through to Stromness to turn the horses out and feed them. While they were stuffing their faces in the field, I mucked out the shed. By the time I had finished, they had finished eating and I was able to collect the feed buckets before they blew away.
Back home briefly for coffee and to warm up a bit, then off out with the woofers for an earlyish wander at Wasdale. The weather was grim - a strong cold wind and rain the whole time I was out. I was get back home for lunch.
After lunch I zoomed out again to get the sign writing done on the van. Mick has done an amazing job of putting the logo I designed on the van and I am really pleased with the way it looks.
I had a call out to deal with a leaking hot water cylinder in Orphir, then made my way to Stromness to take some pics of the van in the sunshine.
I met up with  my beautiful wife at the yard and helped introduce George and Jeeps to Emmy and Louise.
I reckon it is time for fish and chips...

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