Coronavirus or not...

... the injections to suppress my immune system continue.
Yesterday morning I went to Boots pharmacy to get LacriLube which is the gel that I need to put in my eyes overnight when they’re dry. I wish I’d thought of that a week ago when the conjunctivitis started! They had none because the manufacturer can’t get the ingredients to manufacture it but the very helpful pharmacists spend ages searching her drug bible and found a suitable alternate which seems to be working. And having tentatively explored my nose it seems my cold has gone and it’s soft tissue that’s making my nose feel blocked. Time should fix that.
This morning I went to the shop next door for milk and was chatting to the owner and another customer. I commented on the queue at Boots for one tiny bottle of sanitiser each and said that soap and water was just as good but was assured that soap was completely useless unless it was antibacterial. Not wanting to be banned from the shop for using the wrong soap I just muttered agreement. Will people ever learn that antibacterial will not protect against a virus. And soap is soap; just use it properly!

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