La vida de Annie

By Annie


EFB of a hebe in the garden dressed up a little.
Successful supermarket shop for a few fresh essentials; no shortages and no crowding. In fact everyone was keeping their distance and looking very wary of others. If anyone got too close I found a discreet cough would send them scuttling away. On the way back passed a number of people happily walking in the sunshine, including a group of about 10. We have been told by the media that socialising is not permitted at this time, and you can only be out of the home if shopping for food, medicines or petrol, or if helping someone who needs it. They seemed unaware of this ruling or the reason for it, until that is a police car stopped beside them and they were told in no uncertain terms to bugger off home. The only precautions I took while out were wearing disposible gloves in the shop, keeping well away from others and having a thin scarf ready to put over my nose and mouth if it seemed necessary. It wasn't.

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