Life in Brighton

I'm blipping this a day late as I don't know where this weekend has gone!

We had an appointment in Brighton at 11am with the guy that makes the kitchen pods that Alan wants for Bertie Bus.  It looks great and ours is on order :-)

We then parked the car near Preston Park and walked into the centre of Brighton.  We stopped off at the Open Market to see Colin who has a photo gallery in there - he's followed me on instagram for a while and we're 'friends' on FB.  Anyway, we had a nice chat and he said that he'd like to possibly include one of my images in his calendar for next year.  He pays photographers who have images in his calendar and he also gives them copies of the calendar too, but we'll see, I'm sure between now and then he'll have a lot of choice!

We wandered into town, stopping off for a hot chocolate and  a coffee, and then when we got to North Laine, we came across the weekly street market which always reminds me of a French brocante.  Talking of France, we went to Julien Plumart which is a French cafe/cake shop that makes the most amazing macarons!  They're partnered with the Normandy-Sussex Pass so I asked if i could take some photos for Laure, and not only did they give us the promised 10%, they also gave us a couple of macarons to take home. 

Anyway, we had a lovely afternoon in town, followed by an evening at home.  Hope you've had a good one!

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