LENT 2020 DAY 20

’Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.’ (1 John 3:18)

Rachael Adams writes:

“My family were immediately sceptical when I encountered God and began going to church. I’d just returned from studying in America. Baptised. Raring to go. ‘Make disciples of all nations’ was an anthem burning in my heart. How could I make my family see this awesome God I had given my life to? To know Jesus, like I did – as friend, mentor and saviour?

My words weren’t making a difference. Conversations were shot down. Invitations to church sank like lead balloons. But what if I told you now that my mum regularly asks me to pray? That my family witnessed my sister and niece healed by prayers from my small group? That the family shop always includes tins for the church-run food bank?

Yes, this was all God. But how did it happen? I let go of wanting them to be a certain way and saw them as they are, loving them where they were at.”

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