Learning day by day

By EmmaF


It doesn't have quite the same impact from behind the camera as it did to the back of my eye when I walked downstairs after both kids were in bed. Chaos every single Thursday evening after a day of doing!

William had his best swimming lesson ever. He went under water voluntarily, wore his hat for the whole leson and his goggles for the majority! He took a lifetime over lunch and subsequently we were late for Music Train, but something I said must have stuck because when he started messing over tea I reminded him about Lunch time and he said "Sorry Mummy" and ate faster than he has in ages.

Carys woke in a bad mood after silliness at bedtime yesterday, but came out of school a different child. A conversation later and she seems to have realised the errors of her ways, enhanced by Daddy not coming home for bedtime because he was 'so upset about what happened last night'. Only time will tell.

So I am off to sort out the boots, swim bag, school bag, ballet bag, shoes, dress and anything else you can spot in the hall that needs sorting.!

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