Cherry Blossom

Lovely to see the blossom coming out, I suspect you'll see a lot of my garden over the coming months! I have decided that with the cancellation of all my normal U3A meetings, talks, concerts and theatre trips, I need some routine in my life to help me cope. To start with, I've decided to start the day with a 20 min exercise dvd on weekdays, alternating strength training and aerobic activity. I've also decided to spend at least an hour outside every day, weather permitting. I'll spend no more than 2 hours on the laptop every day. I hope to have a chat with someone every weekday too. Crafts and work on the home will have a place too, I need to think about those. And I can see that watching the daily briefing is a must for the time-being!

Day 2
Today is the first day everyone must avoid contact with other people unless vital after yesterday's announcement. The U-turn was caused by models showing that even with the mitigation that was in place, 250,000 people would die by August. Today's news is that the NHS is to cancel all non-urgent operations, all non-essential travel overseas is advised against, the EUROs have been postponed until next year, £330bn has been set aside for businesses needing access to cash, grants are available to certain businesses and all business rates have been cancelled for 12 months. Banks will offer 3 month mortgage holidays to those badly affected. There is talk of this going on for 18 months until a vaccine is readily available, but it is impossible to tell how long given the data available at the moment on what happens after the initial peak. 

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