On a mission

Tuesday 17th March 2020

What a time we're having. It gets worse doesn't it. Spent most of the morning putting things in place in the parish and waiting for the CofE update. 

Set off at lunch time on a mission over the Pennines. The four of us decided to buy a tablet for mum so we could easily keep in touch via video. I went and bought one. Rang mum to see if she needed anything taking "3 large bags of compost" was the reply. I had to laugh. Everyone else is stocking up with food and Mum is just preparing to do the gardening. She's already sorted with food I hasten to add.

I did a few chores then arrived at mum's. Decobtaminated myself with a shower and change of clothes while she stayed in the living room. Then spent the evening setting the tablet up with video messenger, iPlayer etc. Now the fun begins!

This was part of the lesson when mum was video talking to my sister in France. They are now on total lock down. 

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