Life's tangled skein

By atp

New Running Apparel

I had ordered a new pair of running trousers from Sweatshop, and they arrived today. I probably shouldn't have but they were half price and I couldn't resist.

If I believe the manufacturer's claims, I should achieve a personal best at Parkrun when I wear them on Saturday. Well... call me a cynic but ah hae ma doots, as we Scots would say.

I did try them on; I didn't feel as if I was able to run twice as fast as before but when I went outside I did feel chilly... they are so thin that I felt as if I was naked below the waist!

Apart from that, the excitement of the day was that the house's "downstairs lights" circuit breaker kept tripping. After asking around, someone suggested that there might be water ingress to an external light. Luckily all of my external lights are on a single spur, and I disconnected that. The indoor lights went on and stayed on... I guess I'm going to be looking for soggy electrics this weekend!

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