Life's tangled skein

By atp

Ice Skating

I went ice skating today with my daughter.

She is going to classes on Saturday afternoons and knows what she is doing. Me? Well, when she goes to her class I sit in the cafe, enjoying a large black americano and trying to learn all the interesting things I can do with my Samsung Galaxy tablet!

I only fell three times in the two hours we were there. And I was able to drive home! So I think I did okay!

All my photos on the ice were rubbish. I mean, really rubbish. Well, wasn't wanting to take decent gear on the ice and it was just beyond the capabilities of a little point and shoot.

So instead of action shots, I give you this - my feet before I went to the ice. In particular, I invite you to observe the look which can be roughly described as "I forgot to pull one leg of my jeans down until about half way through the skating session" - a look which I ROCKED for the first hour of skating.

Also, have a look at the front of these skates - they look pretty darned sharp!

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